In skincare, Hemp Oil is perfect for most skin types as it can moisturise without clogging pores (reducing acne), balance out oily skin by regulating oil production and it helps to hydrate the skin which prevents dryness.
Hemp oil contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid, and omega-3 fatty acids which act as a powerful anti-inflammatory while simultaneously encouraging skin growth and new cell generation.
This helps to calm inflamation and irritation on the skin whilst keeping the skin nourished and moisturised, making it a brilliant oil for treating skin conditions like atopic dermatitis.
Hemp oil can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles through the linoleic acid and oleic acids found which can’t be produced by the body. These play a crucial role in skin health and anti-ageing.
From a Sustainable Farming perspective, hemp seed oil is a highly beneficial crop to grow for the environment. It grows extremely fast and yields more fibre than cotton or flax. In addition, it is a robust plant that requires no pesticides or fertilisers but instead helps to control top soil erosion and renders the soil more fertile for subsequent crops.
Please note that Hemp Seed Oil does not contain the psychoactive substance tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).